Disposal of Technology in the College of Arts and Sciences

Because The University of Alabama is a state institution, all equipment purchased with research, department, startup, and grant funds is considered state or federal property. Therefore, all technology — e.g., computers, instruments, and so on — in the College of Arts & Sciences is recorded in the A&S inventory system and audited each year. To dispose of this technology properly, faculty and staff must follow the guidelines outlined below.

Technology Purchased with A&S Funds

A&S funds include startup, department, college, award, and endowment money. Technology purchased with these A&S funds must be disposed of through eTech.

Technology Purchased with Grants

Disposal of technology purchased through external grants may vary, depending on the grant’s conditions and the equipment’s cost. For example, some federal agencies require special disposal instructions to be followed, especially with equipment that contains sensitive data. Other groups may only require standard A&S disposal procedures for old equipment.

UA, A&S, and Private Grants

  • If the equipment is valued at less than $5,000, the Principal Investigator (PI) must submit a request to schedule pickup of equipment with eTech at https://etech.as.ua.edu/forms/surplus-pickup-procedures/.
  • If the equipment is valued over $5,000, the PI should follow the Technology with UA Property Tags directions (below) for equipment removal. Make sure to send a copy of the Transaction Form to alma.fuller@ua.edu to delete the equipment information from the A&S inventory system.

Government Agency Grants

The PI must contact the government entity to determine how to dispose of the technology. Depending on the response they receive, the PI should then do one of the following:

  • If no special disposal is needed, the PI should submit a request to schedule pickup of equipment with eTech at https://etech.as.ua.edu/forms/surplus-pickup-procedures/.
  • If the equipment must be disposed of through Property Management, the PI should follow the Technology with UA Property Tags directions for equipment removal. Make sure to send a copy of the Transaction Form to alma.fuller@ua.edu to delete the equipment information from the A&S inventory system.
  • If the agency requires special steps outside of those listed for disposal, the PI should carefully follow these instructions and send a copy of the forms to alma.fuller@ua.edu to delete the equipment information from the A&S inventory system.

Technology with UA Property Tags

Technology valued $5,000 and above is tracked by the UA Property and Inventory Management department and must be disposed of through them. For items with UA property tags, department faculty and staff should do the following:

  1. If the equipment is a computer, submit a request to itsd@ua.edu, requesting that the computer hard drive be wiped.
  2. Go to http://fawp.ua.edu/propertyandinventory/ and transfer the property to Surplus by following the directions under the Transaction Form.
  3. Scan and email the completed Transaction Form to property@ua.edu and email a copy to alma.fuller@ua.edu to delete the equipment information from the A&S inventory system.
  4. Submit a work request to UA Logistics to pick up the equipment for Surplus.

Please contact Andrew Richardson at andrew.richardson@ua.edu or 348-4832 if you have any questions.