Web Services

eTech web support services include website hosting, creation, and redesign, and web application development. All of our services are free of charge to units within the College of Arts and Sciences, including academic departments, academic programs, service centers and institutes, and research groups/labs.

Website Development

Updating Websites for Academic Departments

Websites for academic departments are produced by eTech staff according to a schedule established with the approval of the Dean’s Office. This schedule ensures every department a complete redesign and content overhaul roughly every five to six years.
If you’d like to update your website’s design or add new features before your next scheduled redesign, we have a separate process for that — see below, under “Adding New Features & Redesigning Existing Websites.”
Learn more about our usual process for academic department websites.

Learn more about our usual process for academic department websites.

Creating New Sites for Sub-Units, Programs & Projects (SUPPs)

eTech hosts and builds websites for a variety of A&S units and projects, including

  • academic programs, such as interdisciplinary majors, minors, or concentrations
  • service centers and institutes
  • research groups and labs
  • research projects, such as grant-funded projects
  • course blogs
  • special programs of the Dean’s Office and A&S Student Services

Learn more about our process for SUPPs websites and our content requirements for those sites. If you’re interested in creating a new website with us, we ask that you begin developing content for the site prior to making a project request, because we can’t start any project until we have minimum content ready to work with.

Adding New Features & Redesigning Existing Websites

If you’d like to add new features or update the design of any website created and hosted by eTech, you can request those services via our website project request form. These kinds of projects follow the same six-week process we use for SUPPs websites.

NOTE: Before we can begin work on any new website feature, we require a representative sample of content — and we ask that you gather this content prior to completing the project request form. Here are some examples of what we’re talking about:

  • For a feature showcasing faculty research, we’ll need 10 to 20 actual (not placeholder) entries — with faculty names, publication titles, publication names and types (journal, book, book chapter, podcast, etc.), links, cover images, and any other information you’d want included in the finished showcase.
  • For a news section, we’ll need 5 or 6 news posts, with photos.
  • For a special content section or landing page, we’ll need all of the text content, plus photos/graphics (or at least the desired subject matter of those photos/graphics, so we can find appropriate stock or UA photography).

Personal and Student Organization Websites

If you are a faculty member interested in obtaining web space for individual use, visit people.ua.edu.

Students seeking web space for student organizations or other purposes should contact The Source.

New RedCap Accounts

We are happy to provide accounts for faculty, staff, students and external research partners. However, we are not able to offer training or other assistance beyond responding to bug reports. If you have any issues with the site, please contact webapps@etech.as.ua.edu for support.

New users need to fill out the REDCap Account Request Form, which can also be found at the top of the REDCap website. Once the form is filled out, an account will be set up. Please allow up to two business days for a response.

Here are some REDCap resources from other universities:

Web Application Development

eTech offers web application development support for creating online processes and digital forms. Web applications developed by eTech are built in PHP and utilize MySQL for database processing.

Website Project Request

Request the development or redesign of a website (SUPPs process). 

Report a Bug

Find a bug on one of our websites? Report it to webmaster@as.ua.edu

User Training & Access

Request access to a site, enroll in the web accessibility course, or schedule WordPress training. 

Server Status

Check the status of our web server, or report an outage to webadmin@as.ua.edu